
What To Do When A Drug Dealer Steals Your Money

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(WRCB) PRO TIP: If your drug dealer takes your money and doesn't deliver the marijuana and cocaine yous bought from him, just allow it go and don't go calling 911 ( divider line


More: Dumbass, Wilshire Boulevard, cocaine, marijuana

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3542 clicks; posted to Main » on 05 May 2013 at 8:00 AM (9 years ago)   | Favorite |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook

Well, technically, he's not a drug dealer, he'due south a thief at that signal.


I guess some people just don't get that weed is illegal. If someone ripped me off for an illegal product, I'd take stock of how powerful and connected the dude was. If he was a nobody and non any bigger than I am, I judge I'd accept to go after him physically. If he was a nobody and big, that's where you lot call in an anonymous tip that "Dave" is selling drugs on your backyard.

Noob. Everyone knows you need to call the Improve Business Bureau

I'chiliad all in favor of druggies calling the cops on vehement criminals, hopefully they get a slap on the wrist, and a real criminal gets put abroad, but calling the cops over getting ripped off by your dealer seems like a special kind of stupid.

That happened to a friend and me when nosotros were visiting Santa Cruz.  A skateboard punk took off with our $forty and didn't bring dorsum the promised weed.  He had one of those skanky rings through his lower lip.  The next day we saw what we thought was the same guy.  Two large unstoned people crossed the street and stared at his lower lip, which was ringless, and seemingly united nations-pierced.
But nosotros didn't call 911.


But Mommy e'er said to call 911 for whatsoever emergency.

If this dude tried ratting me out to the cops, I'd accept a power saw to his arms and legs.

Took a 911 call yesterday for some lady reporting the corner store for non giving her the full corporeality of cash she was promised for her food stamps.

Information technology'll be easy for the cops to find the caller, he'll exist wearing a helmet and riding a brusque bus.

I merely bring him some mercury animadvert and throw information technology on the GROUND.

Dave's non here man.


Dealer wont terminal long if that'south how he handles business.

I've never done drugs - and I call back a bit depression of people that are caught up in that sort of world, just sooner or later he's going to piss off the wrong meth head, or coke fiend and they are going to just kill him.

If I was dealing with some sort of illegal product or service and got scammed, the simply recourse you have is painful and swift revenge. Depending on how messed upward y'all are in the caput, could range from breaking his kneecaps to putting a bullet in his head.  There is fail on both sides of this equation.

In the finish society will be better off in the long run had none of these people existed in the starting time place.

AbbeySomeone: Dave's not here man.


Uh.. not even shut to obscure. I hope you're beingness facetious.

Meet, this is why nosotros need better drug dealer command.
No Assault drug dealers. Just don't want them on our streets.
Limits to baggie size, who needs more than 1/four oz hunting for a buzz?
And certainly we need to register all transactions and so the criminals and all,,,

Come at present, we're in the era where the real dealers have a pre-paid cell number yous call and go added to a route. If yous have the number it's because yous've been vetted by some other client and information technology'south C.O.D.  None of this "waiting in front of a video store" bullshiat, that'due south strictly ghetto.

Why is there this idea that when potheads practice something irrational that it is something unique? You'd have to be a pothead to think such as.

New Pro tip: You lift some kids telephone off the bus (they will telephone call information technology; say y'all institute it and accept left the area and will postal service it to them/this is to give you time with it) use it to drop the dime on said drug dealer by telling cops they have mass amounts of drugs in home or on person however they do business  because FARK THEM!! Let the cops know yous are calling from a phone you lot found on the bus and will be returning information technology to information technology'south owner like the proficient citizen you are, hang up.
I idea pot was suppose to make yous creative? Non a pot head so.....

I wonder how this story would accept played out if it was legal for the guy to buy his pot from a pharmacy, gas station or grocery store.

born_yesterday: Well, technically, he's not a drug dealer, he's a thief at that point.

Just call the cops and say, "this guy robbed me!"

Really, serious question; if we replaced the drugs in this equation with something legal, like groceries or a gun (/trollin'trollin'trollin') how would it shake out?  There isn't much evidence of the theft also the money, which is hard to prove where it came from when information technology's cash, so would the thief get away with it?

King Something: I wonder how this story would have played out if it was legal for the guy to buy his pot from a pharmacy, gas station or grocery store.

Well then the transaction would have been on camera, and probably documented via the credit/debit carte du jour purchase.

 Who the hell pays coin without getting anything right away in the clandestine market identify. If that's the case then your actually simply fronting them the money in which case they better be your bestest friend in the whole world whom you trust like a blood brother.. a brother whom y'all really trust.

//The more you know.

Ah the old Ill exist correct back scam. unless this guy was a noob he never shouldve fallen for it.
cops shouldnt go after drug users at all.

its non a drug users fault for being on drugs. Its the cops fault for non busting dealers suppliers and distributors.

If you want to wage a war on drugs thats how it should be looked at.

or you could only legalize the shiat and be done with it

flyinglizard: AbbeySomeone: Dave's non here man.


No, I'm Dave.


Karl LaFong: flyinglizard: AbbeySomeone: Dave'south not here man.


No, I'm Dave.


Dave man, Dave! Now open the door!

flyinglizard: Karl LaFong: flyinglizard: AbbeySomeone: Dave's non here homo.


No, I'thousand Dave.


Dave man, Dave! Now open the door!

Dave's non here.

teenage mutant ninja rapist: Ah the quondam Ill be right back scam. unless this guy was a noob he never shouldve fallen for it.
cops shouldnt get after drug users at all.

its non a drug users fault for being on drugs. Its the cops mistake for non busting dealers suppliers and distributors .

If you want to wage a war on drugs thats how it should be looked at.

or you lot could but legalize the shiat and exist washed with it

But that takes bodily try and hard piece of work. It's several orders of magnitude easier for cops to just go afterwards the end user -- and even more toll-effective than it is easy due to asset forfeiture laws, since they don't fifty-fifty need to arrest a person suspected of having a thousandth of a gram of 1 of the most abundant plants on world in order to seize all of that person'due south worldly possessions and sell those items at auction.

And if that person starts getting ornery (read:antipathy of cop, existing while non a rich white man, not consenting to a warrantless search, etc.), the cops could call in the dogs, who will then "find" drugs on that person and thus requite the cops the go-alee to beat that person to within an inch of his life while "instructing" the guy to stop "resisting". The subsequent arrests for possession and resisting abort will ensure that that guy'south life is completely ruined forever with most no take chances of ever having the chance of ever having whatsoever source of legal income.

/or nosotros could avoid all that by decriminalizing a plant that's less toxic than water

snocone: See, this is why we need better drug dealer control.
No Set on drug dealers. Only don't want them on our streets.
Limits to baggie size, who needs more than i/4 oz hunting for a buzz?
And certainly nosotros need to annals all transactions and then the criminals and all,,,

Okay, I'll take a scissure at it.
You need larger "baggie sizes" if you don't dig having to go score every hour or so.
1/4 oz?
That won't even become you out of coffee fashion around here.
Information technology should be fair to take any kind of rip off creative person into your ain custody, and take them prostitute themselves to compensate your losses, with involvement.
These phuks would rip you off just for the sexy chip.

Oh aye.....
Dave ain't here.

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